Vyacheslav Konoval


The motley lava travels along the path,

and the tops of the mountains are covered with snow in front.

Notice a waterfall - a wonderful hunt.

My island is my geyser bath.

The silky green blade of grass,

which covers the sea with a blanket,

The Gods made a pass, leaving people with agate.


In the world, each of us is one.

Maybe someone desire that life this is to deny,

but fate has differently it done.

You come in life alone,

You leave the world alone,

not everyone is allowed to sit somewhere on the throne.

A wonderful date

I used to look for a job

that would give me a good start.

Many ads similar to the corn on the cob

They are yellow as colors in art.

I inhale into the chest, gaining courage, and call the number

I took the CV in package,

and that night, I didn’t feel any slumber.

The interviews lasted for months,

I went to the company as if for eternity,

understood, the company desire money of millionth

by deception in the trade fraternity.

However, I fell in love with my tutor,

she was a beautiful girl, which spoke to me like a computer.

I couldn't get involved.

Maybe for her, I was a problem, which stayed unresolved.

I invited a business lady on a date

thinking about her as my mate,

pull her out of the clutches of fraudsters

persuade her to the laws and the orders.

When I saw her on the date,

she did not look like a business lady,

clothes and hairstyle were shady.

I repeated: «Please, leave it job, I am aware,

I everything understood, am not a stupid»,

Leaning closer to me: «Go away», - she concluded.

Day after day

Days pass, nights pass,

I wipe with sweat my glass,

I awaiting changes like never before.

Let new opportunities enter through the door.

Come to me, My dream!

The words are heard with magical zeal

Demon is wished to make a deal,

confirming the agreement with a powerful seal,

Oh no, my dream is not Evil's meal.

I greedily pray to God,

my word is heard like a loud petard,

in hoping to get justified awed.

Come to me, My dream!

I've been waiting for You all my life

Just now I have only a beautiful wife.

Vyacheslav Konoval è un poeta ucraino il cui lavoro è dedicato ai problemi sociali più urgenti del nostro tempo, come la povertà, l'ecologia, i rapporti tra il popolo e il governo e la guerra. Le sue poesie sono apparse in molte riviste, tra cui Anarchy Anthology Archive, International Poetry Anthology, Literary Waves Publishing, Sparks of Kaliopa, Reach of the Song 2022 e Diogenes for Culture. Journal", "Scars of my heart from the war", "Poetry for Ukraine", "Rhyming", "La page Blanche", centro di ricerca della Norwich University, "Impactor", "Military review").

Le sue poesie sono state lette in occasione di riunioni di vari gruppi di poesia, tra cui Newman Poetry Group, Never Talk Innocence, Vocing Art Poetry Reading for Ukraine, Worcester County Poetry, Brussels Writer's Circle, Poets Anonymous May Middle-Met e Brett Show di Andrea.

È membro del Geer Poetry Group, Galles, Regno Unito e della Federation of Scottish Writers.